Here is the step by step process to joining eXp Realty and navigating the online application.

Step 1:
Go to
Create an account and login. From there you'll see the 7 steps to the application process. 3 of which you the agent will be responsible for completing and 4 of which eXp will be in charge of.

Application & ICA (Agent)
License Verification (eXp)
Broker Approval (eXp)
Document Review (eXp)
License Transfer (Agent)
Email Verification (Agent)
Convert To Active (eXp)
Step 2:
Complete the ICA (Independent Contractor Agreement)
There are 6 categories within the ICA.

Personal - General about you info.
Sponsor - Search and select the individual who you feel provided the most help when making the decision to join eXp. This is a critical step. Once you select your sponsor you cannot change this. Before you submit your application make sure you have the correct individual selected.
License - This is where you'll enter your current association and broker affiliation along with your recent sales history.
Experience - This is where you'll enter some information about your experience and current business setup to help eXp understand what model will be your best fit.
Financial - This is where you'll enter your tax info along with your banking info for direct deposits.
Documents - This is the final step, reviewing all the information you've entered, sign all documents, and submit your application.